First Catch

by Aaron Spong
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 inches
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First Catch
Aaron Spong
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Years ago, my dad caught a little sunfish from the dock at Gradnma's cottage on Lake Koronis, MN. As he was removing the hook from its mouth, the fish squirmed and jumped free landing on the grass. My 12 week old puppy Molly quickly grabbed the fish and started playing with it. As we tried to get the fish from her mouth she would run away thinking this was a game of tag! Dad was able to get a shot of Molly with fish in mouth before we threw it back. Don't worry, the fish was returned to the water without harm :) This photo was so neat that I had to paint a picture of it. I spent a little over 30 hours on it. The most tedious part was all the white fur and the scales on the fish. I was pleased with the result. The original now hangs in our kitchen in keeping with the "food" theme. My dog Molly is now 5 years old and active. She goes on long hikes with me up 14ers in the Rocky Mountains. She is extremely loyal and obedient. I might be biased, but I believe I've found the best dog on the planet!
June 10th, 2013